
The Bitcoin toolkit for developers

A streamlined, efficient, and open source way to integrate Bitcoin as payment method.

License: AGPLv3

Why bamotf?

bamotf integrates the whole infrastructure needed for starting receiving bitcoin payments, including server, react components, utility packages and webhooks.

Don't worry about how Bitcoin operates

bamotf reduces the complexity of using the bitcoin core into a simple Stripe-like flow.

Simple and intuitive API

Modern REST API for you to manage your payments and webhooks that notifies you when something changes.

Localhost development

Quickly set up a local development environment that matches production.

Currency conversion

Automatically convert prices for your customers in their local currency.

Autocomplete and type-safe

The best code is the code that writes itself, so you can move quickly and be sure you don't break stuff accidentally.

React components

Ready-to-use pre-built components and utilities that speed up development and make it the perfect starting point for your next project.