


One hard concept for new web developers to grasp is the concept of having differents networks that the application can run on. For them, mainnet, testnet, regtest, are all the same thing. They are all just "the blockchain". But technically, they are all different networks, with different rules, different coins, different blockchains. Web developers are used to the concept of the application is either running in production, or test (staging), or development.

This is why we have this MODE selector in the dashboard. It can be set to development, test or production. This is used to determine certain features that should or should not be enabled depending on the environment.


Price index

When creating a payment intentet in a Fiat currency, the amount is converted to the corresponding amount in Bitcoin. This is done using a price index that is available on Bisq servers If you don't like it, you can run your own price index server and set the PRICE_DATA_SERVER_CLEARNET_URL environment variable to your own server.


When creating a payment intentet in a Fiat currency, the amount is converted to the corresponding amount in Bitcoin. But, because of the volatility of Bitcoin, the amount can change between the time the payment intentet is created and the time the payment is made. This is why we have a tolerance property. The tolerance is a percentage of the amount that is allowed to be lost during the exchange. If the amount changes more than the tolerance, the payment is considered not valid.

Amounts in bigint

All amounts are in bigint. This is because we don't want to deal with floating point numbers rounding errors. This is why we have a convertToBigInt function to convert a number to a bigint. See more